0800 294 4522

Mon-Fri: 08.00 – 18.00
Passionate about saving your money

Tenants Liability Insurance


At Discount Insurance, we understand that accidents can sometimes happen, no matter how careful you are. As a tenant, if you accidentally damage your landlord’s property - including furniture, fixtures and fittings - you could be asked to foot the bill.

Tenants Liability Insurance from Discount Insurance provides tenants with peace of mind that they are covered towards the cost of repairing or replacing the item.


tenant liability

Our great value policy provides cover of up to £10,000 per claim, as well as damage to water pipes and tanks, and the cost of replacing locks and keys.

  • Residential tenants living in houses, flats, bedsits, and shared accommodation (including students)
  • Covers up to £10,000 per claim
  • Loss or damage to fixed water pipes and tanks
  • Replacement of locks following loss or theft of keys (up to £1,000)
  • In-house claims team to help you every step of the way

For more information on Tenants Liability Insurance call 0800 294 4522
or click here for a quick online quote

You can also insure your own possesions within the home, as well as being covered for liability to the public for up to £2,000,000 and alternative accomodation if required.

Full details of cover is available in the below policy documents and should be fully understood prior to taking out the policy.

What is Tenants Liability Insurance and should you get it?

If you rent, Tenant Liability Insurance might just be the best thing you ever buy. Read on to find out why.

Tenant Liability Insurance (TLI) protects a tenant’s deposit should there be any damage to or theft of a landlord’s contents while you’re living in the property.

Depending on the level of cover taken out, a TLI policy can cover the cost of repairing or replacing fittings - such as carpets - furniture, kitchen appliances, such as ovens and washing machines, and even pipes.

This type of cover is particularly useful if you rent a fully furnished property.

As with all insurance policies, the extent of your cover depends on what you pay. Most basic policies cover only accidental damage, while the more expensive ones will cover fire and flood damage. No policy will pay out for negligence, wear-or-tear or deliberate damage.

Increasingly landlords and letting agents are including TLI as part of the tenancy agreement to avoid disputes over deposit and to ensure a landlord’s investment is protected. Many policies will pay directly to the landlord according to the terms set out in a tenancy agreement.

A landlord or agent can never force you to buy from a particular insurance company - you have every right to shop around for the best deal.

Naturally the cost varies depending on how much cover you are looking for; most policies offer a level of cover of between £2,500 and £10,000. The cost will also vary depending on whether they cover just accidental damage, or include fire, theft and flood damage. You can buy TLI as a standalone policy, but are usually better value if it is included into a home contents insurance policy.

* Policy limits and exclusions apply, please see the policy wording for full details

Click here for the latest versions of the Policy Wordings and Insurance Product Information Document for each product we offer.

Current customers - please check the version date against your policy sold. Older versions can be found in our document archive.



or call us for free before you buy
0800 294 4522


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